Salty Locs
- Dreadlocks Loctitian Adelaide -
I've always had a loc love right from my teenage years. My first full head of dreads came naturally, but messily from surfing and spending so much time in the ocean.
After 30+ years of creating heads of locs for others and myself, I have committed myself to share the loc love through Salty Locs.
I have my Advanced Natural Loctitian Certificate gained through Em at Divine Dreadlocks Tribe added to my years of experience.
Mobile Services
Cost Estimate
To get new dreadlocs made professionally. The cost varies depending on how much hair you have.
To find out how much it would cost to get high quality locs created by Kerrie,
please contact
0418 669 151
or email
Natural Dreadlocs
Entirely by hand.
Say goodbye to
chemicals & expensive products
Say hello to
freshing & natural Dreadlocs
Some dreadloc artist loctitians are charging up to $160/hr for a 50% loc only.
90% of total locs are evenly formed, which ensures way less maintenance.
My aim is to offer a high quality dreadloc service at a good price!!!
Dreadloc extensions must be paid before appointment as a cancellation fee applies for the cost of extensions ordered.

Dreadlock History
Dreadlocks have been around since the dawn of time. Ancient Egyptians wore them, Asian Emperors wore them and of course cavemen too.
King Tut himself had dreadlocks and they are still intact to this day.
The MauMau tribe wore dreadlocks to intimidate the colonisers of Kenya in East Africa.
Even Caesar claimed that the Celts wore dreadlocks by describing them as having 'hair like snakes'.
The act;ual word 'dreadlocks' comes from Jamaica, made up in the early movement of Rastamen. Dreadlocks came from the word 'dread' for the meaning of fear and horror.
Locks have been worn for various reasons in each culture, as an expression of deep religious or spiritual conviction, ethnic pride, as a political statement and in more modern times, as a representation of a free, alternative or natural spirit.
Get in Touch
Having lovely well-formed dreads from Day 1 is simply a matter of method, not time.
All it takes to get good dreadlocks is a bit of sound knowledge about the various methods of making dreadlocks and then having the wisdom to avoid all the ones that require extra work or products to help your dreads to form.
Make sure you are well informed when getting dreadlocks that you have the right information. Ask a CERTIFIED Loctician as there is a lot of misleading information out there.